
Bachelor of
in Mechanical

This program equips you with the appropriate competencies in the field of mechanical engineering, by providing a capability for critical thinking, creative problem solving, and innovative decision-making processes.

Moreover, the program promotes graduates’ awareness of concepts, tools, and methodologies relevant to the field of mechanical engineering, based on a strong sense of community service, teamwork, responsibility, and high ethics. Also, it develops students’ professional approach related to mechanical engineering projects and prepares students to serve in mechanical engineering positions in private and public organizations.

Join students who enjoy an outstanding education experience at Liwa College

Objectives and Skills

  • Ability to create mechanical engineering designs for different projects.
  • Ability to diagnose, analyze, and solve problems related to mechanical engineering field.
  • Ability to supervise mechanical engineering work.

Career Opportunities

  • Design Engineer
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • Smart Manufacturing Engineer
  • Robotics/Mechatronics Engineer
  • Operations / Systems Engineer